About the Angels

If you haven’t realized already, I am fascinated by Angels! So much that I have a collection of pieces inspired by them! They bring comfort, support and guidance to many during difficult times, which is why they are so special!
My angel jewelry is a popular collection among you all, so it's even more exciting for me to share some of the things that I have learned about the Angels! I have so much to say that it won't fit in the one post, but I'll start with some fun facts about them!
- The word Angel comes from a blend of “engel” (Old English) and “angele” (Old French) and means “messenger”.
- Archangel Gabriel has 140 pairs of wings.
- Each angel is created with a specific purpose, which is why we all have a Guardian Angel watching over us!
- Like humans, every angel has a unique name and personality.
- Angels move by Quantum Leaps, which means that they can travel from one place to another without going anywhere in-between!
If you have any interesting facts or stories about how the Angels touched your life, please do get in touch with me here, on Instagram or on Facebook, I would love to hear your story!
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